Genre Prize Winners

CutBank is thrilled to annouce this year’s prize winners and finalists in poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction! Read their work in CutBank 81 and thanks to everyone who submitted. Patricia Goedicke Prize (judged by Juliana Spahr): Jake Syersak, “If So, To What Does Thinking Owe?”

Poetry Finalists: Michael Berger, Nathan Hauke, Anne Cecelia Holmes, Stephanie Horvath. Molly Prosser, Kerry Ruef, Jocelyn Sears, Ezter Takacs and Rimas Uzgiris

Montana Fiction Prize (judged by Steve Almond): Michael Rosenbaum, “Tell Me a Sad Story”

Fiction Finalists: Dorothy Albertini, Drew Ciccolo, Chris Evans, Jordan Farmer, David Hill, Margarite Landry, James Miranda, Duston Parsons and Elizabeth Peterson

Montana Prize in Creative Nonfiction (judged by Alexandra Fuller): Katya Kulik, “Annihilation Tango”

Nonfiction Finalists: Jason Arment, Molly Beer, Tammy Delatorre, Lucy Green, Thomas McConnell, Clinton Peters, Liz Washington de Souza, Chris Wiewiora and Sandra Worsham

Image by Khaty Xiong