Cutbank Open for Submissions

We're all overjoyed to announce that Cutbank is now open for submissions. The submission period runs from today until February 15. Please submit everything to us through our submittable account, right here. For more information on our overall submission guidelines, visit our submission page, right here.

ALSO, don't forget about our contests! Our Big Fish Online Prose Poetry/Flash Fiction contest also opens today and will be open through November 1. Please direct contest submissions through our submittable account as well.

Below is a brief description of the contest. Find more information on this and other upcoming contests right here.

A prize of $200 and online publication will be given for the best piece of writing under 500 words that we receive. Flash fiction, short-shorts, micro-prose, prose poems, poetic prose, just plain short stories–whatever you call your briefest prose pieces, send them our way.

The contest winner will be chosen by the CutBank editorial staff and announced on our website on December 1. All submissions will be considered for both online publication and print publication in CutBank.