CutBank Announces NEW Big Fish Online Contest: Flash Fiction and Prose Poetry

In an effort to keep our online content fresh, to promote some of the less-traditional genres that we love, and to reward some of the many deserving writers out there, we've revamped the structure of our online contest for 2010/2011. Instead of a single award, we're offering two awards--one in the fall and one in the spring.

Fall Big Fish Online Contest: Flash Fiction and Prose Poetry

A prize of $200 and online publication will be given for the best piece of writing under 500 words that we receive. Flash fiction, short-shorts, micro-prose, prose poems, poetic prose, just plain short stories--whatever you call your briefest prose pieces, send them our way.

The contest winner will be chosen by the CutBank editorial staff and announced on our website on December 1. All submissions will be considered for both online publication and print publication in CutBank.



Submission Details:

Submissions for the online flash fiction and prose poetry contest are accepted from October 1 to November 1 and must be accompanied by a $9 submission fee. Please submit using our new online submission manager (link below). Make sure you select "Flash Fiction and Prose Poetry Contest" as your genre.


Previously unpublished work only. Multiple submissions are acceptable, as long as each one is accompanied by its own submission fee. Simultaneous submissions are also acceptable, but please inform us promptly if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Spring Big Fish Online Contest: the Lyric Essay and Writers on Writing

Submissions for our spring Big Fish contest focused on the lyric essay, self-referential works, and writers on writing will be accepted from March 1 to April 1 - stay tuned for details.

We look forward to reading your work!

Submit to Cutbank Literary Journal